Five Books Worth Leaving Behind the Sunscreen for During the Winter Break

Season 4, Episode 47

Linda doesn't care if she has to take less sunscreen when she goes on vacation - if it means she gets to pack an extra couple of books. What books would she recommend? Here are her top five:

Linda also references Mordecai Richler (at 3.43 and 13.20) and Alice Munro (4.36), the production of MacDonald's Fall on Your Knees at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, and MacDonald's term as the inaugural Mordecai Richler writer in residence at Concordia University. Check out MacDonald's “Dispatches” from the latter period, which are downright funny, offering welcome critique of Richler's masculinist tendencies.

Host & Writer: Linda Morra, Co-producers: Linda Morra & Marco Timpano, Music: Raphael Krux


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